Dyslexia can be hidden. A struggle might not be recognized until you reach a challenge you cannot compensate for or observe the same battle in your child. Dyslexia is a lifetime condition. By adulthood, daily challenges reflect a complex history of struggling to read and spell. There is no cure, but it can be managed, even EMBRACED.
There is power in embracing your dyslexia, but first you must understand what dyslexia is and isn't.
As an adult, dyslexia uniquely impacts your life. Often there is not one clear answer to addressing your questions. I can help!
Adult consolation is for those who are confident they have dyslexia. We spend one hour in person or over Zoom discussing your work or school circumstances. We will address your job or course requirements and weigh those to your talents and challenges. I can assist you in analyzing hurdles and solutions in your work or school environment. Or, you might be considering a new path or direction, I can help. Together we can set goals and build bridges to your pathway for success. The cost is $180 for the first hour and includes a follow-up email. Consultations can be done in person or over Zoom.
If you are uncertain if your struggles are due to dyslexia, I recommend a dyslexia screening. I work with the Dyslexia Screening Test App from NeuroLearning. I will send you a link to a prepaid screening test. You download the app on your iPad/iPhone, Android device, or Kindle Fire, and I send a link for you to take the screener while I monitor and observe the process. Your results are sent directly to me before we meet for a consultation with some background information for my analysis. Please note: "The Dyslexia Screening Test is primarily designed to identify individuals who have not previously been diagnosed with, or treated for, dyslexia." The cost of the screening with consultation is $350 and includes a letter of verification.
The defining factor of dyslexia is the unexpected challenges in reading and spelling compared to perceived intellectual abilities. When left untreated, this gap between abilities and language skills can ultimately impact one's confidence and self-esteem.
In most cases, these appointments are reoccurring weekly at a set time to remediate skills in reading, spelling, and writing. Sessions will also address executive functioning in academics and life. There is no quick solution to remediating skills. Most of my adult clients stay with me for more than one to two years. Sessions can be held in-person East Roseville or over Zoom.
Please note: These appointments do not take the place of emotional or social counseling, and insurance typically does not cover the cost. Please check with your insurance or tax advisor. I offer a professional invoice for your records.
Please note: These appointments do not take the place of emotional or social counseling, and insurance typically does not cover the cost. Please check with your insurance or tax advisor. I offer a professional invoice for your records.